About Us
“Welcome to St. John’s United Church of Christ, Boalsburg. No matter who you are, you have a place here, where ALL are loved”; these words mean that we invite everyone to experience God in our community of faith and we are listening for God’s voice guiding us in our worship and in our service to others.
St. John’s United Church of Christ is a member of the Penn Central Conference and an active member of the Northern Association of the Conference.
Vision Statement of St. John’s United Church of Christ
“To be who God wants us to be: a friendly and open congregation, ministering to its members for individual growth and intentionally serving as Christ’s hands and feet to the spiritually and physically needy in the local and greater communities; using our abundant talents, financial resources, and effective methods to provide a center for worship, Christian education and outreach.”
Mission Statement: Our Mission Statement
The mission of St. John’s United Church of Christ is to:
LIVE our faith;
LOVE our community;
SHARE the love of Jesus Christ with all.